Huron High School
Thursday, September 8, 2022
1. Attention all National Honor Society members. We will have our first organizational meeting TODAY after school in the Tiger Union. This meeting is mandatory but will be brief.
2. Huron High School's Homecoming Dance will be held Saturday, September 17th, 8-10 pm at Woodlands Elementary School. Tickets are $10 and will go on sale NEXT WEEK during lunch. If you are bringing someone who does not attend HHS you must turn in a guest form when purchasing the tickets. Guest forms include emergency medical information and need to be signed by the guest's parent and their principal. Guest forms are available outside the high school office. All tickets must be purchased in advance. No tickets will be sold at the door.
3. Ripcho Studio will be at Huron High School on Tuesday, September 13th for picture day. Ripcho will be photographing any student in grades 9-12. Stop by the high school office if you did not receive an order form in your first period class or with any questions.
4. If you need to borrow a computer or a charger from the office, you will need to trade your cell phone in order to use those.
5. A technology agreement for this school year was sent out via Final Forms, please be sure to print that off and have you and your parent sign it prior to turning it into the high school office.
Boys Golf @ Margaretta 3:00pm
Girls Golf @ Hopewell-Loudon 4:00pm
Volleyball vs Edison 4:30pm