Huron High School
Friday, September 2, 2022
1. There will be a brief meeting after school in Mr. Schaefer's room (210) on Tuesday, September 6th for any Junior or Senior wanting to participate in Model United Nations.
2. Parking tags are available in the high school office for $5. Forms are available in the high school office.
3. If you need to borrow a computer or a charger from the office, you will need to trade your cell phone in order to use those.
4. A technology agreement for this school year was sent out via Final Forms, please be sure to print that off and have you and your parent sign it prior to turning it into the high school office.
5. Attention all National Honor Society members, we will have our first organizational meeting next Thursday after school in the Tiger Union. This meeting is mandatory but will be brief. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend.
Varsity Football @ Genoa 7:00pm
Cross Country @ Ashland Invite 9:00am
Freshman & JV Football @ Edison 9 & 11am
Volleyball @ Vermilion 10:30am
Varsity Girls Soccer @ Mapleton 1:00pm