Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

1.  Seniors please stop by the high school office today to pick up a Senior Clearance slip.  These are to be taken with you each period you are at HHS and signed off by the teacher AFTER all materials have been turned in to them.  The final signature will come from the high school office which acknowledges you are free of all debt to Huron High School.  These must be turned in prior to graduation.

2.  There is a student council meeting today after school in the Tiger Union. All current and new members should attend.

3.  Do you consider yourself a hard worker? Want to have more fun than any other sport you've played?  Do you want to learn how to be the best you can be everyday? If you answered yes to any of these questions, come see what the Cross Country team is all about! There will be a meeting in the cafeteria after school on Friday.

4.  Attention Seniors:  A Final Form was sent out this morning with two attached Google forms for you to fill out.  You will pick 3 girls and 3 boys to be nominated for your prom king/queen.  Forms are to be filled out by the end of the day.

5.  Lake Erie Adventure Co. in Huron is offering free paddling with an adult paddle purchase.  Flyers are available in the office.

6.  Seniors if you are done with your school issued Chromebook and charger please turn them into the high school office prior to your exit on 5/20/22.  We will be checking for damages.  All school issued property must be turned in prior to

7.  Prom tickets will be on sale all of this week during lunch.  Tickets are $50 for a couple and $30 for individuals. Prom is scheduled for Saturday, 5/21, at the Sandusky Elks.  

Remember if you are bringing a guest who does not attend Huron High School, there is paperwork that needs to be filled out by the guest's principal and parent - these get turned in when you purchase tickets.  No tickets will be sold at the door.

8.  Powder Puff is Tuesday, May 24th, 6-7 pm. If you are interested in coming to watch, admission will be one item for the local food pantry.

9. Want to get your poetry published? Submissions for this year's 44839: Poetry Contest will be accepted until the end of May and select winners have a chance to receive cash prizes and get their poems published in the next volume of the 44839: Poetry from a Zip Code anthology. Ages 17 and under can participate with parent/guardian permission. Find full rules for submission on

Check out a NEW Teen Book Box full of items to enhance your reading experience. Pick your book and then take it to the Circulation Desk to receive a box full of goodies associated with various parts of the story. The best part is, you return the book and the box and keep the rest! Find book selections in the YA area of the Library today. For Grades 9 - 12.

Play some Chess at the Library with chess master Paul Sherwood tonight at 6 pm. Come for fun or to improve your game. If today doesn't work for you, Paul will be back on Saturday, May 21 at 10 am. Open to all ages and abilities. 

To learn more about upcoming programs at the Library, or to find out about our free digital content, follow the Library on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

Boys Tennis @ St Joseph CC 4:15pm

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