Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Wednesday, May 4, 2022

1.  Student Council is looking for highly motivated individuals to run for office next year.  Petitions are available in the office this week.

2.  Senior girls:  The Huron Police Department has offered to teach a self defense course to any senior girl that is interested.  This course will teach you skills that will help you as you venture out after high school.  Officer Lobsinger can give you further information if you have any questions.  The class will be held on Thursday, May 5, at 2:45 and should last about an hour or so.  Please sign up in Miss Kukay's or Mrs. Hotz's classroom.  This will be a hdns-on class so please dress in comfortable activewear.

3.  Volunteer opportunity through Second Harvest Food Pantry:  There will be a food distribution at BGSU Firelands on Tuesday, May 10 from 4-5:30pm.  Sign-up information is posted outside the high school office.  Please consider helping out and earning some community service hours at the same time.

4.  A representative from Owens Community College will be here on Wednesday, May 11th at 10am.  Sign up in the school counseling office if you are interested.

5.  Huron High School's 2022 After Prom will be held at Kalahari Water Park from 12:30-3:30am.  Tickets will be sold the week prior to prom.  We are asking local businesses to consider a contribution.  The donation sheets are found in the school office.  

6.  A lost and found table is located in the lower hallway beneath the Freshman bulletin board.  Please check for any missing items.

7.  Seniors, if you have received a National Letter of Intent and would like Mr. Camella to hold a signing, stop by his office with a copy of your letter. Please do so right away.

8.  Anyone interested in a babysitting certification class on Saturday, May 14th at Ehove, can pick up an information flyer in the office. The cost is $20 and is limited to 20 participants.

9.  From the Huron Public Library:
MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU on Star Wars Day.  Visit the Library on this special day to check out a space-themed display including activities and a variety of Star Wars materials.  Patrons can receive a Star Wars token for checking out materials related to the franchise, whether you root for the Dark Side or the Rebel Alliance.  One token per patron, while supplies last.

Teens can visit the Library today at 6:30pm for Yoga Basics as Autumn from Open Way Yoga Studio teaches a few simple yoga techniques.  Please bring a yoga mat if you have one.  Registration required.

Play some Chess at the Library with chess master Paul Sherwood on Sunday, May 8 at 1pm.  Come for fun or to improve your game.  Open to all ages and abilities.

Boys Tennis @ Amherst 4:30pm

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