Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Wednesday, May 25, 2022

1.  Any boy interested in playing soccer next year there will be a meeting today after school in Mr Asher's room.

2.  There will be a mandatory meeting for anyone playing football next season on Thursday, May 26 at 7PM in the high school cafeteria.  Please see Coach Hohler if you have any questions.

3.  The deadline to order a 2021-2022 yearbook is Thursday, May 26. Go to to order your book!

4.  A lunch menu has been posted for Exam Week from the cafeteria.  Please check in the cafeteria or outside the high school office window for what's being offered.

5. Want to get your poetry published? Submissions for this year's 44839: Poetry Contest will be accepted until the end of May and select winners have a chance to receive cash prizes and get their poems published in the next volume of the 44839: Poetry from a Zip Code anthology. Ages 17 and under can participate with parent/guardian permission. Find full rules for submission on

Check out a NEW Teen Book Box full of items to enhance your reading experience. Pick your book and then take it to the Circulation Desk to receive a box full of goodies associated with various parts of the story. The best part is, you return the book and the box and keep the rest! Find book selections in the YA area of the Library today. For Grades 9 - 12.

Join fellow players for Euchre Night tonight starting at 6 pm in the AV area of the Library. Learn the game or come for practice. Open to teens and adults. 

To learn more about upcoming programs at the Library, or to find out about our free digital content, follow the Library on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter! 

no after school activities

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