Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

1.  Sophomores and Juniors:
The PSAT- an optional practice SAT and National Merit Scholar Qualifying Test will be held on October 13, 2021, at Huron High School. If you would like to sign up, please stop in the Counseling Office with $18 cash or check made out to Huron City Schools, and you will receive practice materials to prepare for the test.

2.  Any girl interested in playing basketball this year, there will be a brief meeting in Coach Schaeffer's room Thursday right after school.

 3.  Juniors & Seniors: The following colleges/universities will be visiting Huron High School in the student union.  Please be sure to sign up in the school counseling office if interested in meeting with the college rep.
Thursday, 10/7 - University of Akron 9am
Friday, 10/15 - Malone University 9am
Tuesday, 10/19 - University of Toledo 9am
Tuesday, 10/26 - Baldwin Wallace 8:30am
Wednesday, 10/27 - Miami University 10:30am
Monday, 11/1 - Ohio State University 9:00am

4.  The Huron Parks & Recreation Department is looking for volunteers for the 2021 Pumpkin Festival which will be held October 9th.  Volunteers help with children activities, games and pumpkin painting and earn volunteer hours.  If you are interested, stop into the high school office to pick up a volunteer form from Huron Parks & Rec.

5.  Presale tickets for Friday's football game at Vermilion are on sale in the office.  Presale $5, at the gate $7.  Avoid the lines and buy early!

Varsity Girls Soccer vs Port Clinton 5:00pm
Varsity Boys Soccer vs Port Clinton 7:00pm

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