Huron High School
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
1. Any Junior or Senior interested in becoming a member of the Ohio Model United Nations Club, there will be a brief meeting on Wednesday, Sept 8th at 2:30 in Mr. Schaefer's room 210.
2. The Huron Athletic Booster Club is looking for 4 High School students to sell our athletic program for all home varsity football games starting this Friday at our home opener. We are also looking for 2 -50/50 sellers to volunteer in the booster tent. All program sellers will need to arrive between 5:30/6pm and will sell for the 1st quarter. After the first quarter you can head up to the student section. Volunteers will each receive an all sports pass for 2021/22 and dinner in concession. Contact Amy Springer at 419-602-0818 if you are interested. This is an easy and fun way to earn community service hours as well. Thank you and Go Tigers!
3. Attention All Students: The summer heat has subsided with forecasted temperatures expected to be much more seasonal for the next several weeks. This means that the Huron High School Dress code is now in full effect starting today. Rule #20 in the Student Handbook has the full description of the dress code. Specifically beginning next week: no hats, hoods, or head coverings are permitted in the building. All shirts must have sleeves. Midriff shirts are also not to be worn. If you are out of dress code, you will be sent to the office.
4. Parking tags for the 21-22 school year are still on sale in the high school office. Cost is $5.
Students are also reminded if you park along the stadium fence that you need to be parked between the tower and Jim Campbell Blvd.
5. Extra yearbooks are available for purchase in the high school office. The cost is $65.
6. A representative from the Army will be in the cafeteria during lunches on Wednesday, 9/8. Stop by their table if you'd like to learn more about what they have to offer.
Girls Tennis @ Willard 4:15pm
Volleyball @ Clay 4:30pm