Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Thursday, September 23, 2021

1.  Any Senior who would like to be considered for selection for Elks Student of the Month should print an application, or pick one up from the Counseling Office.  Students are selected based on leadership, service, character, citizenship and scholastics.  

Two students per month are selected from October through April, but ALL applications must be turned in by September 29, 2021.  See Mrs. James with any questions.

2.  For all Juniors:  The PSAT will be offered on October 13, 2021 at Huron High School.  This is an OPTIONAL test for all juniors and is a preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship qualifying test, with a fee of $18.  Checks can be made out to Huron High School. 

 Juniors have until Friday, October 1, 2021 to be guaranteed the opportunity to take the PSAT.  To register, stop into the Counseling Office.

3.  Forms to order a t-shirt for "A Crucial Catch" for the Oak Harbor football game are available in the high school office.  The forms are due to Lucky Stone by Friday, 9/24.

4.  Presale tickets for the Homecoming game vs Willard are now on sale in the HHS office.  Presale cost is $5.00 and all tickets at the gate are $7.00. Buy today to avoid the LONG LINES.

5.  The Huron Parks & Recreation Department is looking for volunteers for the 2021 Pumpkin Festival which will be held October 9th.  Volunteers help with children activities, games and pumpkin painting and earn volunteer hours.  If you are interested, stop into the high school office to pick up a volunteer form from Huron Parks & Rec.

6.  Homecoming dance tickets will be on sale thru Friday during lunch.  Tickets are $10 each.  If you are bringing someone who does not attend HHS you must turn in a guest form when purchasing the tickets.  Guest forms include emergency medical information and need to be signed by the guest's parent and their principal.  These forms are available outside the high school office.  There will be NO tickets sold at the door the night of the dance.

7.  News from the Huron Public Library:
Welcome back students! September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month at the Huron Public Library. If you don't have a library card, stop by and get one for free! With your library card, you have access to traditional library materials like books, DVDs, and CDs. You can also use all of our library apps for free! Use Libby for ebooks and audiobooks, Hoopla for graphic novels and new music, and our new Kanopy app to stream movies and TV shows- ALL FOR FREE WITH YOUR LIBRARY CARD. Check out materials for a chance to win weekly prize drawings all month long. 

Write your part of the story for our Library collection with Huron Stories: Community Journals! Each journal has a special topic– from Library Recommendations and Local Nature, to Huron Haikus and Self-Portraits. Read what others wrote, add your own entry, and then check out another one. Once a journal is full, it will be placed on our shelves for others to enjoy for years to come! All ages are welcome to participate. Find the display in the main lobby.

Love reading? Join a book club this fall at the Library. Students in Grade 6 - 8, can join the NEW Young Readers Club that meets today. Check out this month's book from the Library and then join the discussion. Visit to find September's book.

Find more information about these programs and more by following the Library on Instagram or Twitter! 

SBC Boys Golf 10:00am CANCELLED
JV & Varsity Volleyball vs Oak Harbor 5:00pm

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