Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Announcements -Tuesday, May 4, 2021

1.  Sophomores taking End of Course assessments on Wednesday:  Please remember to charge your school issued Chromebook and bring it to school tomorrow.  The school has a limited number to loan out so it is imperative that you bring your own device.  

2.  There will be a brief meeting for those interested in trying out for volleyball in Mr. Wood's room immediately after school today.

3.  Seniors are reminded to turn your "Rules & Regulations" paper into the high school office.

4.  Student council is looking for highly motivated individuals to run for office next year. Applications are available in the office through Friday.

5.  Seniors, please fill out the Huron High School Alumni Association form located on Google Classroom to help us keep in touch with you once you graduate.

6.  Jostens will be delivering caps/gowns to Seniors on Friday, May 7th during lunches.

7. Attention all members of the Class of 2021. Please check your Final Forms emails for a link to the Senior Superlative survey for the yearbook. Voting is due by the end of the school day on Wednesday, May 5. 

8.  Seniors - Please sign into google classroom and complete the Senior Survey.  This survey provides information about your class and includes a place to indicate where you would like your final transcript sent.

9. Junior or Senior girls who are interested in participating in Powder Puff please sign up in the office.  Same for Junior and Senior boys who are interested in coaching Powder Puff - sign ups are in the high school office.  If you are ordering a t-shirt, the last day to order is Tuesday, May 4th.

10. A reminder to students under the age of 18 - when you get hired by a business you will need a work permit.  These are located outside the high school office.  In order to process the work permit, you also need to have a physical - keep that in mind if you do not have a sports physical on file already in the office. See Mrs. Enderle with any questions.

Boys Tennis @ St Mary's 4:15pm
Track @ Erie County Track Meet 4:15pm (Margaretta HS)
Varsity Baseball vs Sandusky 4:45pm
Varsity Softball vs Bellevue 4:45pm

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