Huron High School
Announcements - Monday, May 24, 2021
1. Highlights from the Track District Championships
Girls - District Runner-upIsabella Cozzie - School Record - 200m (re-broke her own record)Regional Qualifiers - Jaden Carey, Isabella Cozzie, Emily Franks, Maggie Golling, Ce'Aujanay Grant, Hayden Roshong, Kennedy Schlessman, and Jadyn Towns
Boys District Champs!Regional Qualifiers - Evan Brown, Ben Buathier, Richie Delaney, Jacob Eck, Beau Harkelroad, Trevor Poltorek, Eli Routh, Conner Schaeffer, Sal Sherer, Zach Weyer
Advancing 18 athletes in 18 events
2. The deadline to buy a yearbook for this school year is Tuesday, May 25. Visit to order your yearbook today!
3. Do you want to join or continue with cross country next fall? If so, then plan on attending a brief meeting in Coach Blevins' classroom Tuesday right after school. The summer practice schedule, CC Camp information, and other important items will be handed out. The meeting will be brief so that track athletes aren't held up.
4. Students are reminded to return CCP books to the Counseling Department.
5. If you are a sophomore and interested in becoming a student council member at large for the 2021-22 school year, please complete an application, available in the office.
6. There will be a mandatory meeting on Tuesday, June 1 at 7PM at the Stadium for anyone wishing to play football next season. Please see Coach Hohler if you have any questions.