Huron High School
Announcements - Friday, April 30, 2021
1. Students interested in taking CCP classes next year must complete the Intent Form by May 1st. This form must be completed every year.
2. Today is the last day for any junior to fill out an application if you are interested in running for 2021-22 Student Body President or Vice-President. Applications are available in the office. You must have at least one-year prior experience as a member of Student Council.
3. Seniors are reminded to turn your "Rules & Regulations" paper into
the high school office. These are due Monday, May 3rd.
4. Anyone interested in playing boys basketball next year we will have a short meeting in the cafeteria after school Monday.
5. Attention all members of the Class of 2021. Please check your Final Forms emails for a link to the Senior Superlative survey for the yearbook. Voting is due by the end of the school day on Wednesday, May 5.
6. Seniors - Please sign into google classroom and complete the Senior
Survey. This survey provides information about your class and includes a
place to indicate where you would like your final transcript sent.
7. Jostens will be delivering caps/gowns to Seniors on Friday, May 7th during lunches.
8. A reminder to students under the age of 18 - when you get hired by a business you will need a work permit. These are located outside the high school office. In order to process the work permit, you also need to have a physical - keep that in mind if you do not have a sports physical on file already in the office. See Mrs. Enderle with any questions.