Huron High School
Announcements - Tuesday, April 27, 2021
1. Sophomores & Juniors - Please remember to bring your chromebooks tomorrow, fully charged and ready to go for the State testing.
Also, be sure to check the windows outside the high school office and the doors by Mr Hohler's room for your room assignment for testing.
2. Attention Juniors: Would you like to run for 2021-22 Student Body President or VP? Applications are available in the office through Friday, 4/26. You must have at least one-year prior experience as a member of student
3. Seniors - Please sign into google classroom and complete the Senior
Survey. This survey provides information about your class and includes a
place to indicate where you would like your final transcript sent.
4. Jostens will be delivering caps/gowns to Seniors on Friday, May 7th during lunches.
5. Seniors are reminded to turn your "Rules & Regulations" paper in to the high school office. These are due Monday, May 3rd.
6. A reminder to students under the age of 18 - when you get hired by a business you will need a work permit. These are located outside the high school office. In order to process the work permit, you also need to have a physical - keep that in mind if you do not have a sports physical on file already in the office. See Mrs. Enderle with any questions.
7. Juniors: If you plan on purchasing a Senior 2022 t-shirt, the price has been reduced to $15. Please pick up the form for the t-shirt order in the high school office.
From the Huron Public Library:
Have artwork or photography to share? Visit the Huron Public Library's Online Community Art Gallery to view art and photography shared by your community, then share your own by emailing photos to All ages can participate.
Library is collecting nonperishable, unexpired food items for our Pay
It Forward Food Drive this spring. If you have food items at home that
you'd like to donate, visit
the Library and find our drop-off box located near the main entrance.
out a Read It & Watch Book Bundles while supplies last. Each
bundle comes with a new or classic book paired with its matching film or
TV show, along with some
free movie candy and popcorn! There are bundles for all ages.
Follow the Library on Instagram @huronlibrary to see upcoming programs, memes, and other fun reading-related posts! Each Monday in May will feature a new challenge designed by the Library's Teen Library Council. Challenge winners will be selected each week and will get some gift cards to local eateries. Check it out today!
To find more information about programs and current services being offered at the Library, visit or follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Varsity Baseball vs Norwalk @ Sports Force 4:00pm
JV Baseball vs Norwalk 4:00pm
Boys Tennis @ Oak Harbor 4:15pm
Track vs Oak Harbor 4:30pm