Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

1.  Huron High School's Sadies Dance will be held Saturday, February 25th, 7-9 pm at Woodlands Elementary School. Tickets are $5 and a food pantry donation, or $10. Tickets will be on sale this week during lunch.  If you are bringing someone who does not attend HHS you must turn in a guest form when purchasing the tickets. Guest forms include emergency medical information and need to be signed by the guest's parent and their principal.  Guest forms are available outside the high school office. All tickets must be purchased in advance.  No tickets will be sold at the door.

2.  Anyone interested in playing Boys Golf in the Fall, there will be a 5 minute meeting, directly after school this Thursday, 2/23.

3.  Attention upperclassmen who are interested in applying to the Teen Leadership class for next year: Please pick up an application in either the guidance office or Mrs. Lee's classroom. Applications are due to Mrs. Lee by the end of the school day on Friday, February 24.  

4.  There will be a meeting after school in the cafeteria this Friday for those interested in playing boys tennis this Spring.

5.  Huron City Schools are looking for Summer Casual Labor - Workers to work alongside regular classified staff for summer projects relating to building consolidation. Assignments include Custodial, Grounds, Paint Crew, Technology, and Office/Secretarial. Work days will be Monday through Friday with flexibility to accommodate workers with extra-curricular or other commitments. No prior experience needed.

See the posting outside the high school office for more information.  Due date: March 31, 2023.

6.  New from the Huron Public Library:

Roses are red. Violets are blue. We've got a book that's just for you! Let Huron Public Library be your matchmaker with a Blind Date with a Book until Saturday, February 25. Read the brief description to pick your date without seeing the book cover. There will be books for all ages.

Like volunteering? Join the next Teen Library Council monthly meeting on Monday, February 27 at 4 pm to share your ideas to improve the Library and the community. A simple application is all it takes to join. Stop by the Circulation Desk to grab one or visit

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