Huron High School
Thursday, March 16, 2023
1. Round two of TLC's pop tab bracket challenge is underway. If your 5th period advanced after last week, your pop tabs for the week will be collected on Friday during 6th period again. Remember, the overall winning class wins a Chick-Fil-A lunch!
2. Huron River Valley Campground is looking for applicants who are interested in working Summer Maintenance or Lifeguard. Please see the posting outside the high school or school counseling office for more information.
3. Juniors and Seniors who may be interested in taking the Jr/Sr. Seminar Class next school year should complete the Course Proposal on your class's Google Classroom by Monday, March 20, 2023.
4. The ACT for juniors will be on Tuesday, March 28, 2023. Registration will happen in Government classes on Wednesday, March 22nd. If you are a junior who does not have Mrs. Merckens, please see Mrs. James.
5. Reminder that Brackets for the NCAA tournament are due in the high school office by NOON today. A winner will be awarded for each grade level as well as staff with a $10 Chick-fil-A gift card!
6. The Stadium clean up has been moved to Saturday, March 25, due to the cold weather. The time will be 9am and lunch will be provided. Hoping to see the track team and any high school student that would like to help and earn community service hours.
7. Good luck to the following students who are participating in the first ever Erie County Economic Development PITCH today at BGSU Firelands. The students created an entrepreneurial product or service and they will be presenting their ideas to a Shark Tank for prizes.
Granthem Brown
Ronnie Casalinova
Ryan Graybill
Alex Kitts
Keaton Linn
Marcus Merritt
Andrea Schwartz
Malleya Schaeffer
Bri Miller
TJ Murray
Peter Cencer
Brynne Hartley