Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Thursday, January 26, 2023

1.  Many seniors still owe their diploma paperwork.  Please get that turned into the high school office.

2.  The Sadie Hawkins dance will be Saturday, February 25th. It will be from 7-9 pm at Woodlands Intermediate School. The attire is homecoming style and exclusively black and red. 

3.  Volunteer opportunity: Woodlands School is currently looking for HHS students to help bubble in assessments for the 2nd Grade tests.  Please see Mr Lamb if interested.

4.  The Prom committee is looking for your song requests for Prom this year.  A paper is located in the office for you to stop by and write down any ideas you might have.

5.  Health classes will be using the Student Union today through Tuesday, 1/31. Those kids who use the student union for study hall, please report to Study Hall.

Bowling vs Willard 4:00pm

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