Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Tuesday, March 21, 2023

1.  Registration for the Huron Rotary Club 4 Way Test Speech Contest can be done using this link:
By registering, you are committing to participating April 4th at the Rotary Luncheon at HYC at 12:00pm (more details to follow). If you have questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with Dr. McDonald ([email protected]

2.  Applications are now open for the Ohio School Safety Center's 2023-2024 Student Safety Advisory Council. The council encourages students to identify school safety concerns and develop solutions. At least four students from Ohio's four school safety zones will be selected. 

You must be a current sophomore to apply. For more information contact Mrs. Sadowski by April 6th, 2023.

3.  Round 3 of TLC's pop tab tourney continues! TLC will be collecting the pop tabs from the Final Four classes on THURSDAY this week (not Friday!) due to a schedule conflict. Good luck! 

4.  The ACT for juniors will be on Tuesday, March 28, 2023. Registration will happen in Government classes on Wednesday, March 22nd.  If you are a junior who does not have Mrs. Merckens, please see Mrs. James.

5. The Stadium clean up will take place this Saturday, March 25. The time will be 9am and lunch will be provided. Hoping to see the track team and any high school student that would like to help and earn community service hours. 

6. Tickets for this year's Spring Musical "Seussical" will be on sale during lunch this week and next. All tickets are $10.

7.  News from the Huron Public Library:
Work on your strategic thinking by practicing Chess with chess master Paul Sherwood at the Huron Public Library tonight at 6 pm. Come for fun or to improve your game. Open to all ages and abilities.

Join the next Teen Library Council monthly meeting on Monday, March 27 at 4 pm to share your ideas to improve the Library and the community for teens! Earn service or volunteer hours by participating. Current members and new members are both welcome. Visit for more details or stop by the Library and ask for an application.

Love crocheting or want to learn how? Meet up and share current yarn projects, get help from Library staff, or just enjoy being in the company of other crafters at the Stitch Niche: Crochet Club. The next meeting is on Tuesday, March 28 at 3 pm. Bring your own supplies or use ours. This club is for both teens and adults.

Want Library program updates? Get the latest program reminders sent directly to your email by registering at the bottom of our website at


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