Huron High School
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
1. Tickets for this year's musical, Mamma Mia! are on sale during lunch this week and next. All tickets are $10.
2. The Athletic Boosters are looking for 4 student volunteers to help during the following dates at the stadium concession stand. Please contact Amy Springer at 419-602-0818 if you can help. You will earn community service hours for the Diploma of Distinction and get to watch and support your classmates. It is a great time while volunteering. Thank you!Dates:Monday, April 4th-4:30Monday, April 11th-4:30Tuesday, April 12th-4:30Tuesday, April 19th-4:30Saturday, April 23rd-10am (Huron Invite)
3. Any student wishing to enroll in College Credit Plus classes for next school year should turn in their Intent Form on or before Friday, APRIL 1, 2022. The form can be found on your Google Classroom page or on the Huron High School Counseling Department webpage.
4. The deadline to register for the Huron Rotary Club's 4 Way Test Speech contest is fast approaching. Details were provided in Mrs. James and Mrs. Taraschke's Google classrooms.
5. NHS will be sponsoring a school supply drive for the Giving Closet to honor Everyone's mom. School supplies needed for the drive include pencils, paper, folders, etc. You can find a list of items needed on the posters in the hallways. This school supply drive will run through Friday, April 1st. Turn your supplies into your first period class. The winning class will win donuts.
6. Reminder to all students that Friday, 4/1, is the end of the 3rd quarter. If you still owe school fees, etc. please know that your grade card will be withheld until these are taken care of.
7. If you are a member of a school club (TLC, NHS, Model UN, Student Council, Academic Challenge, Art Club, Concert Choir, Chorale, Troubadours, Concert Band, Pep Band, Yearbook, Chess Club, Robotics Team) we will be taking group pictures in the gym during 4th period on Tuesday,April 5. Please plan accordingly.
8. Attention students seeking summer employment: Cedar Point is hosting a High School Hiring Event this Sunday, April 3rd from 11:00 - 3:00. On the spot interviews and job offers to follow. Stop in the office for more information.
9. From the Huron Public Library:
Work on your strategic thinking by practicing Chess with chess master Paul Sherwood on Saturday, April 2, starting at 10am. Come for fun or to improve your game. Open to all ages and abilities.