Huron City School District News Article


Huron High School
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

1.  Attention students:  Cedar Point is hosting a job fair on Wednesday, March 9.  Please pick up a flyer/permission slip in the main office if interested. This field trip includes a free buffet lunch! Come and hear about a variety of different career and employment opportunities at the park.  See Mr. Antonelli with questions.

2.  Seniors:  The Class of 2022 HHS Local Scholarships Application is open until March 9, at 3:00 PM. All materials are available on your 2022 Google Classroom. Please stop in the Counseling Office if you have questions.

3.  Attention seniors! The deadline to email a senior picture to Mrs. Lee for the yearbook is Friday, February 25. Email: [email protected]

4.  From the Huron Public Library:
Due to COVID-19 conditions in Erie County and staff illness, the Huron Public Library is continuing our temporary operating hours for the month of February. Temporary operating hours are: Monday - Thursday 9:30 am - 6 pm, Friday, 9:30 am - 5 pm, and Saturday 9:30 am - 2 pm. Please check our website and social media pages for updates to these changes.

Show off your art skills in miniature form with a Tiny Art Show kit from the Library! Teens and adults can register to pick up an art kit containing everything you'll need to create your own mini art piece. Return your piece by Monday, February 28 so that we can open our miniature art gallery this April. This program is currently waitlisted, but add your name to be contacted if more supplies become available!

Work on your strategic thinking by planning Chess with master Paul Sherwood on Saturday, February 5 starting at 10am.  Come for fun or to improve your game.  Open to all ages and abilities.

For more information about these programs and more, follow the Library on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter! 

5.  Reminder that Huron City Schools will be running on a scheduled 2-hour delay on Wednesday, 2/2/22.

Girls Basketball @ Western Reserve 6:00pm (JV & Varsity)

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