Huron High School
Friday, March 11, 2022
1. Swimmers are reminded to turn in your warm up jackets today after school. Meet in the room behind the band room.
2. Attention all Seniors in good standing: The Erie County Board of Elections is taking applications to work as a paid poll worker on Tuesday, May 3. Please see Mrs. Merckens in room 214 for an application or with any questions.
3. Football cheer tryout packets are now available in the office for pick up. Clinic and tryouts will be held March 21st through March 23rd, 5:15pm-6:30pm. All paperwork must be completed in order to attend clinics and tryouts.
4. Any student wishing to enroll in College Credit Plus classes for next school year should turn in their Intent Form on or before APRIL 1, 2022. The form can be found on your Google Classroom page or on the Huron High School Counseling Department webpage.
5. Looking for volunteer hours over Spring Break? BGSU Firelands is hosting a Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry Distribution on Tuesday, March 15. They are in need of volunteers. See the posting outside the high school office for more details and how to register to help out.
6. From the Huron Public Library:
Love writing poetry? Students in Grades 7 - 12 are invited to submit poems in our Teen Poetry Contest for a chance to be published in the next volume of 44839: Poetry From a Zip Code, a local poetry book created annually. Submit poems at the main Circulation Desk or email poems to [email protected]. Submit entries by Monday, March 21.
If you're looking for a more fast-paced, classic game, join fellow players for Euchre Night on Wednesday, March 13 starting at 6 pm in the AV area of the Library.
If you are looking for something to do for St. Patrick's Day, grab your green clothes and head to the Library on Tuesday, March 15 for some Live Music with The Moorhens Celtic Band. All ages are welcome to attend and celebrate. The show begins at 6:15 pm and no registration is necessary.
For more information about these programs or to learn more about our digital collection, follow the Library on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
no after school activities