Huron High School
Friday, March 24, 2022
1. Students who participated in Winter sports, if you would like to keep your locker banner please take it down prior to the end of today. All remaining banners will be disposed of after school.
2. Any student wishing to enroll in College Credit Plus classes for next school year should turn in their Intent Form on or before Friday, APRIL 1, 2022. The form can be found on your Google Classroom page or on the Huron High School Counseling Department webpage.
3. NHS will be sponsoring a school supply drive for the Giving Closet to honor Everyone's mom. School supplies needed for the drive include pencils, paper, folders, etc. You can find a list of items needed on the posters in the hallways. This school supply drive will run from Monday, March 28th- Friday April 1st. Turn your supplies into your first period class. The winning class will win donuts.
4. If you are a member of a school club (TLC, NHS, Model UN, Student Council, Academic Challenge, Art Club, Concert Choir, Chorale, Troubadours, Concert Band, Pep Band, Yearbook, Chess Club, Robotics Team) we will be taking group pictures in the gym during 4th period on Tuesday,April 5. Please plan accordingly. 5. From the Huron Public Library:Join the next Teen Library Council monthly meeting on Zoom on Monday, March 28, at 4pm to share your ideas to improve the Library and the community. Earn service or volunteer hours by participating. Current members and new members are both welcome. Visit for all the details.
Work on your strategic thinking by practicing Chess with chess master Paul Sherwood on Saturday, April 2, starting at 10am. Come for fun or to improve your game. Open to all ages and abilities.
no after school activities
Track @ Genoa 10:30AM
Baseball vs Western Reserve 11:00am (JV 11, followed by Varsity)
Varsity Softball @ Shelby 11:00am
JV Softball vs Shelby 11:00am