Huron High School
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
1. The first bowling practice will be Wednesday at 4:30pm at Riverview Lanes. There's still time to sign up in the office if you're interested.
2. Reminder to juniors going on the class trip: Your second payment of $150 is due this Friday, 11/4. Please turn that into Mr. Schaeffer in the high school office.
3. Attention all students and staff: TLC's gently used clothing drive is under way through November 18. Bring items to your 5th period class. Weekly prizes will be awarded to top classes! Thank you for being willing to help those in your community who are less fortunate.
4. The following colleges are scheduled to come visit Huron High School:
TODAY Baldwin Wallace
Nov. 3 Owens Community College
Nov. 9 Youngstown State
All times are at 10 - 10:45 unless otherwise noted. Please sign up in the school counseling office if you are interested in learning more about these schools.
5. Kelsey Hammond, Huron's BGSU advisor, will be here on Monday, November 7, and Tuesday, November 8. Students who need to register for an OFF-CAMPUS or ONLINE class through BGSU for the Spring of 23 can set up an advising appointment with her, using the form on Mrs. James's Google Classroom.
6. Community service opportunity: The Huron Eagles will be having their annual feather party November 12th from 1-6pm. This is a Thanksgiving dinner for members and their guests. We are looking for help to seat people, serve food and bus tables.
Anyone interested in volunteering or have any questions please contact Jeff Widman at 419-357-1683.
7. Huron Public Library Teen Announcements:
Help your neighbors before the holidays and lower your late fees with Food for Fines! During the entire month of November, fines for an overdue Huron Public Library item will be waived in exchange for each donation (one unexpired or non-perishable food item per overdue item). Feel free to donate even if you don't have fines.
If you prefer a more strategic game, play some Chess at the Library with chess master Paul Sherwood on Saturday, November 5 at 10 am. Come for fun or to improve your game. Open to all ages and abilities.
Love crocheting or want to learn how? Meet up and share current yarn projects, get help from Library staff, or just enjoy being in the company of other crafters at the NEW Stitch Niche: Crochet Club. The next meeting is on Tuesday, November 8 at 3 pm. Bring your own supplies or use ours.
There is still time to register for November's Teen Cooking Challenge! This popular program for Grades 7 - 12 continues with new, delicious recipe kits to try at home. Pick up a kit on Wednesday, November 9. Register fast because supplies are limited.
Have you always wanted your books to be a little more...exciting? Check out a Teen Book Box full of items to enhance your reading experience. Pick your book and then take it to the Circulation Desk to receive a box full of goodies associated with various parts of the story. The best part is, you return the book and the box and keep the rest! Find book selections in the YA area of the Library today.
For Grades 9 - 12.
Find more information about upcoming programs by following the Huron Public Library on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or TikTok or register for our eNewsletter at the bottom of our website!