Huron High School
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
1. There will be a meeting for those interested in wrestling today after school in the cafeteria.
2. St. Peter Spooktacular 5K & Kids Pumpkin Fun Run will take place Saturday, Oct. 29, at 9 a.m. Volunteers are needed to help with the race. All work will be done before noon. There are a limited number of shirts available for volunteering. Contact Angie Edwards 419-366-1563 (call/text) to volunteer. Service hours will be given for this opportunity.
3. Basketball cheer tryouts will be next week. On 10/24 & 10/25 (Monday & Tuesday) clinics will be held from 4:15pm-5:30pm at Woodlands gymnasium. Wednesday, 10/25, will be tryouts. Information and forms are available in the high school office.
4. Presale tickets for Friday's home football game vs Edison are on sale in the high school office. Presale cost is $5 with all tickets at the gate $7.
5. The rest of this week the student union will be closed for 6th & 7th period study halls.
6. The following colleges are scheduled to come visit Huron High School:
TODAY Kent State
Oct. 19 University of Cincinnati
Oct. 26 University of Southern Maine (zoom 1-1:45)
Nov. 1 Baldwin Wallace
Nov. 3 Owens Community College
Nov. 9 Youngstown State
All times are at 10 - 10:45 unless otherwise noted. Please sign up in the school counseling office if you are interested in learning more about these schools.
7. Check out TEENtober at the Huron Public Library this October! TEENtober is a nationwide celebration of tween and teen programs at the Library. Find a new activity after school each week during this month in the YA area. This week you'll find some tasty snacks!
The Teen Library Council is back in the Library building on Monday, October 24 at 4 pm. Teens in Grades 7 - 12 can share ideas to improve the Library and the community and help out with Library programming for volunteer hours. Visit for more details.
The Library has a NEW Teen Tech Cart filled with cool tech like iPads and Chromebooks for teens in Grades 7 - 12 to borrow. Stop by after school on Wednesday, October 26 any time between 3 - 4:30 pm to try out some new tech like Spheros, Bloxels, digital instruments, sticker-makers, and more! This program will also feature the Library's button-making machine. Come hang out and make some free buttons!
Find more information about the Library's upcoming programs by following the Huron Public Library on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or TikTok. And if you don't have a library card yet, stop in a get one! It's free!
no after school activities