Huron High School
Friday, October 21, 2022
1. Any 9th & 10th grade girl interested in participating in ROX, Ruling Our Experience, please contact Ms. Taraschke or see Ms. Pisano in the counseling office. ROX will begin the first week of November so please contact the counseling office by Oct. 28.
2. Presale tickets for tonight's home football game vs Edison are on sale in the high school office. Presale cost is $5 with all tickets at the gate $7.
3. Anyone interested in trying out for girls basketball, tryouts begin Monday, 10/24, from 5-7pm in the high school gym.
4. Community service opportunity: The Huron Eagles will be having their annual feather party November 12th from 1-6pm. This is a Thanksgiving dinner for members and their guests. We are looking for help to seat people, serve food and bus tables.
Anyone interested in volunteering or have any questions please contact Jeff Widman at 419-357-1683.
5. If you are interested in bowling, a sign-up sheet is located in the high school office. This can be a relaxing and fun sport to do in the Winter. Practices are ONLY on Monday and Wednesdays from 5-6pm. The first practice will be November 2nd. Stop in the office if interested.
6. St. Peter Spooktacular 5K & Kids Pumpkin Fun Run will take place Saturday, Oct. 29, at 9 a.m. Volunteers are needed to help with the race. All work will be done before noon. There are a limited number of shirts available for volunteering. Contact Angie Edwards 419-366-1563 (call/text) to volunteer. Service hours will be given for this opportunity.
7. Basketball cheer tryouts are next week. On 10/24 & 10/25 (Monday & Tuesday) clinics will be held from 4:15pm-5:30pm at Woodlands gymnasium. Wednesday, 10/25, will be tryouts. Information and forms are available in the high school office.
Kelsey Hammond, Huron's BGSU advisor, will be here on Monday, November 7, and Tuesday, November 8. Students who need to register for an OFF-CAMPUS or ONLINE class through BGSU for the Spring of 23 can set up an advising appointment with her, using the form on Mrs. James's Google Classroom.
9. Picture retakes are scheduled for December 2nd.
10. The rest of this week the student union will be closed for 6th & 7th period study halls.
11. The following colleges are scheduled to come visit Huron High School:
Oct. 26 University of Southern Maine (zoom 1-1:45)
Nov. 1 Baldwin Wallace
Nov. 3 Owens Community College
Nov. 9 Youngstown State
All times are at 10 - 10:45 unless otherwise noted. Please sign up in the school counseling office if you are interested in learning more about these schools.
TLC is organizing a clothing drive sponsored by the Care & Share Erie County Foundation. The Care & Share Foundation collects articles of clothing to donate to members of the community who are not fortunate enough to afford it.
The goal of TLC is to bring this problem to the attention of Huron High School students who are able to help this great cause. TLC asks you to bring in new or gently used clothing to benefit those in need. This event in which every 5th period class will be competing will last from October 24th through November 18th.
Any new items will be worth 2 points, and any gently used item will be worth 1 point. Each week, the 5th period class with the highest average points will win candy prizes. The overall winner of this competition, ending on November 18th, will win a Domino’s pizza party.
Flyers are posted around the school with more information, such as specific requirements to earn points and how this process will be carried out overall.
Good luck and TLC would appreciate your help!