Huron High School
Thursday, January 5, 2023
1. Lifting for football will begin on Monday, January 9. There will be a team meeting at 6:30PM in the cafeteria and we will have our first session from 7-8:15PM afterward. Please see Coach Hohler if you can not attend.
2. Seniors working toward a Diploma of Distinction or the Community Service Graduation Seal, the deadline for turning in your community service hours is
Friday, JANUARY 6, 2023. Please submit all completed forms to the MAIN OFFICE.
3. The Tiger Swimmers and Divers traveled to Margaretta last evening for a meet against the Polar Bears and the Battle for the Iron Skillet. Despite many excellent performances, the Tigers came up short by a score of 202-154.
Leading the way for Huron was Max Wasiniak who posted a new school record in diving along with:
Granthem Brown
Karlee Kurtz
Maddie Porterfield
Jared Lenczyk
Gabe Schleenbaker and
Carter Schlessman
4. Attention any high school student looking for community service opportunities: The National Honor Society is creating an "Adopt a Senior" program to assist senior citizens with clearing snow from walkways during the winter. If you live near a senior citizen that you'd be willing to help or would be willing to be paired with seniors looking for help, please see Mr. Blevins to become part of this program and earn valuable community service hours.
5. News from the Huron Public Library:
Kick off the New Year with a fresh perspective and pass on some kindness! Stop by the Library between Monday, January 2 and Saturday, January 7 to pick from an array of random acts of kindness from the Kindness Campaign display to help spread a little extra kindness in the community. All ages can participate.
Have you participated in a previous Girls Who Code program? Join the Girls Who Code Coding Ambassador Program to help new members learn about coding in a positive environment. This winter's club begins on TODAY and continues every Thursday from 4 - 5:30 pm until March 9. Attendance of every session is not required, but is highly encouraged. Registration required.
If you prefer a more strategic game, play some Chess at the Library with chess master Paul Sherwood on Saturday, January 7 at 10 am. Come for fun or to improve your game. Open to all ages and abilities.
To learn more about upcoming winter programs at the Library, find us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or TikTok or register for our eNewsletter at the bottom of our website.