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Monday, September 17, 2018


Good morning today is Monday, September 17, 2018

Lunch Menu for Today - Students will have the choice of a Choice of Toasted Cheese Sandwich or Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich. Students will also have the choice of 2 or more of Tomato Soup, Fresh Vegetables with Ranch or Hummus Dip, Pineapple and Oranges, Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juice and Milk.

Let’s keep Rachel’s Challenge alive. Make sure you are journaling regularly. Write down your dreams and goals as well as the steps you will take to get there so that you can make them a reality. 

Our value word for the week is: Positive Action -  Your actions or behaviors have a positive influence on yourself and those around you.

Shiv Khera once said - “Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.” 

Woodlands students remember we want to recognize those students that are performing kind acts. If you notice a student helping someone else, or being extremely kind or compassionate please complete a chain link for them. We want to build a chain of kindness that will stretch throughout our building. Please make sure you are recognizing students that are going out of their way to do something special for someone else by completing a chain link.

Running Club is being moved to Wednesday this week. There is NO Running Club tomorrow. Make sure you bring your permission slip with you on Wednesday.

If anyone still has a PTO Mumkin and Mumster fundraising forms to turn in you need to bring it to the office at the end of the announcements.

Tomorrow help raise some dough for the PTO by ordering Domino’s. When you order all you have to do is mention the Huron PTO and 10% of your order gets donated to the PTO.