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A Message From Huron City Schools Superintendent Dennis Muratori

One of the great things about living in Northern Ohio is the changing of the seasons. We live in a region with four distinctive seasons; it is part of the beauty of our great community. One of the realities of Ohio winters is traveling in winter weather. From a superintendent’s perspective the early morning winter decisions are not a delightful aspect of Ohio weather.

School delays and closing for winter weather are a reality for transportation departments and superintendents in our area. We take the responsibility for the safety of our students very seriously. In the Huron City School District we have personnel on the roads as early as 2:30 a.m. assessing the conditions. We are in communication with city, county and neighboring school districts as part of the decision making process. Advances in radar and weather forecasts provide us with additional tools when making decisions about the status of school. We will only close school when it is a necessity. We understand that changes in school schedules create a tremendous burden for our families. Our goal is to safely transport our children to and from school so that learning can take place.

We encourage parents, and our students that drive, to keep an eye on weather forecasts. There will be mornings that require a little extra time and a little more cautious driving. This is simply part of winter in Ohio. For parents with new student drivers in the home, please know we are always willing to transport students on our school busses. Driving in winter weather is a developed skill; a slippery morning on the way to school may not be the best time to practice driving in these conditions.

We are committed to making the best possible decision with the information we have in the early morning hours. My goal is to reach a decision about closing by 5:30 a.m.