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Chunks are short snippets or exercises taken from the "Scale and Rhythm Chunks" book.  For chunk assignments, students are to practice either a scale or rhythm chunk (or snare for percussion).  They are to be practiced in order as presented in the book.  Once the chunk is ready for submission, students use one of the following apps;

Apple: Quick Voice Recorder
Android: Easy Voice Recorder

Each of these are free apps. Once the app is downloaded, students are to record the chunk and send it to Mrs. Scherley.  Use the rectangle with arrow icon, choose email, type in [email protected], and send! Give me a couple of days to check the chunk, and I will respond with "good" if you passed, or I will give you some pointers to make it better for resubmission.  If you do not receive a response from me within a couple of days, touch base with me to make sure I received your chunk.