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December 2, 2016
1. Are you and your parents taking extra days off at Winter Break? A vacation form needs to be submitted to the office prior to the absence, so that Mr. Carter can approve the absence.

2. Power of the Pen will meet today from 2:40 - 3:30.

3. Please help Abi, Layne, and Victoria in bringing joy this Christmas to the children at University Hospitals who have cancer and are receiving chemotherapy. Each homeroom has a poster with a list of items to be donated. The homeroom that donates the most items by December 12th will be rewarded with a pizza party. Your generous gifts will be given to the children at University Hospitals by Christmas.

4. Help us spread happiness this Christmas by being a part of Project Happy-Christmas. We are asking that you join us in purchasing, filling and wrapping ONE shoebox for children in Erie County. Return it to a participating church/business/school or one of the drop spots listed on flyers posted around school. Shoeboxes need to be collected by December 15th.